Gentle Healing is based on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) which is an effective, non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole body. This natural healing process can help resolve lower back pain, sciatica, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, colicky infants, exhaustion and stress.
What’s a session like?
During an appointment you will lay down on a massage table, fully clothed and the touch will be light and still. I might start at your feet, head (cranium) or your sacrum (triangular bone at the lower back). I will focus on supporting the health of your whole body, especially the nervous system. The nervous system dictates all of the body’s functioning. I will look for subtle imbalances in the basic rhythm of your body and then help release these blockages by balancing the fluids, tissues and structures throughout your body. Your nervous system will be relaxed, and reset by the end of a treatment, helping to relieve pain.
And after?
I’ll give you recommendations of things to do to maintain your new restored health.
About On-line Sessions
On-line sessions are for Settling and Support, and while not traditional biodynamic craniosacral healing, they are based on the practice.
The session will occur through video or phone while you recline in a comfortable position. I will ask for your health history and intentions for the session. I will acknowledge where you have health and assist your body to create more balance in the areas where there is restriction. I will end the session with recommendations to continue your path to resources in health. My clients have reported similar relaxation and restoration that they experience during in-person sessions.